
OpalGSTable Notes

Feb 2024 630.03 New recoverd errors attributes added

The PER attributes RECREADERRORS and RECWRITEERRORS have been added to report recovered errors.

Jul 2023 630.02 Better mnemonics for secopt attributes

Improve mnemonics for SECOPT attributes.

Jul 2023 630.01 Update for MCP 63

Update for MCP 63

Feb 2023 620.13 Add Memory Division Attributes

The Memory Division Attributes seen in the MM ODT Command, i.e. SystemWds,MemDiskWds,DiskCacheWds,UnusedWds,MemCeilingWds all in words. MemLocking is TRUE if the new MCP 63 feature Firmware Memory Locking is enabled.

Jan 2023 620.12 Add HL timestamp attributes

The following SYSTEM attributes have been added to allow retrieval of MCP halt-load timestamp information:


The values should match those seen in the response to a WM command.

Jan 2023 620.11 PDSigned att shows if file has a Signature

For 63 Checksum Disk File Header Att

Oct 2022 620.10 USER context attribute refresh

The USERDATAFILE attribute set in the Opal USER context has been refreshed to include various attributes that were not included in previous updates.

These changes specifically include the Boolean and Integer attributes ACDEFVIOLLIMIT, ACSAVEVIOLCOUNT, FORCEPWCHANGE, MFAPROTOCOL, MFAREQUIRED, and UNWRAPRESTRICT. The follwoing timestamp attributes have also been added: CREATETIME, SUSPENDTIME, SYSTEMMODIFYTIME and USERMODIFYTIME.

Mar 2022 620.09 Add new user context attributes


Jan 2022 620.08 LOGSURE Context

Implement the LOGSURE LOG Context for Events logged by the SITE_EVENT Entrypoint of SURE.

The LOGSURE Context is a definition of SURE Attributes over an Installation Log Entry (7,31) created when SURE calls the Site_Event Function from the SURE Site Library.

If the LOGSURE Context is required, please contact Metalogic who will provide an Open Source implementation of a SURE Site Library with the Site_Event Entrypoint which may be used directly, or merged with an Installation's own SURE Site Library. (Reference LOGSURE/NEWTAPE).

   %  Default LogMajor and LogMinor Type
   LogMajInstV              = 7#,
   LogSUREMinorType         = 31#,

   %  Layout of SURE Installation Log Record
   %  Note:  The SURE Log Record is modelled on the FileOpen
   %         Log Record. It is a multi level structure. The Link
   %         words in the base structure are Word oriented. The
   %         Link words in the substructures have an absolute word
   %         Index ([19:20]) and a Length([39:20]) in Bytes.

                                    % (0..3 Log Record Header)
   SURE_HeaderV             = 0#,   % (4)  <reserved>
   SURE_CalledByV           = 1#,   % (5)  INTEGER
   SURE_AttsV               = 2#,   % (6)  <link>
   % Available              = 3#,   % (7)
   % Available              = 4#,   % (8)
   SURE_Base_SizeV          = 5#,

   %  SURE Attributes

   SURE_OwnerV              = 0#,   % (6@0) <STRING>
   SURE_ClassV              = 1#,   % (6@1) <STRING>
   SURE_ProgV               = 2#,   % (6@2) <STRING>
   SURE_FuncV               = 3#,   % (6@3) <STRING>
   SURE_VersionV            = 4#,   % (6@4) <STRING>
   SURE_V_TaskV             = 5#,   % (6@5) <STRING>
   SURE_GroupV              = 6#,   % (6@6) <STRING>
   SURE_UserIDV             = 7#,   % (6@7) <STRING>
   SURE_TextV               = 8#,   % (6@8) <STRING>
   % Available              = 9#,
   SURE_Atts_SizeV          = 10#,

  PROCEDURE Site_Event(Owner,Class,Prog,Func,Version,
   Value Owner,Class,Prog,Func,Version,
   String Owner,Class,Prog,Func,Version,
       Segment_Site_Event =#;
     If Not LogSURE.LogEvent(Owner,Class,Prog,Func,Version,
                             S) then
   End of Site_Event;


Jul 2021 620.07 Better semantics for Flex attribute Title

The Flex TITLE attribute does not return an ON part if no 'ON PART' is in the FILES command. The semantics for Title now report this.

Apr 2021 620.06 Fix invinx in Flex Help ATT myself

A bug when generating semantics could cause an invalid index in the Flex HELP ATT myself command.

Apr 2021 620.05 Add new userdata context

Adds new log context USERDATA. Change to the attributes MCPMARK and MCPLEVEL for mcp 62. Adds new Flex attribute MYSELF(MYFAM) which returns the Family statement of the parent task.

Apr 2021 620.04 Support new CALL DO LOG in Supervisor

Supports CALL DO of a logcontext ODTS from a general log ODTS. Adds a new system attribute LOGCONTEXT.


Add PDIMAGEID and PDSIGNATURE SYSTEM PD Attributes for 61 onwards

Feb 2021 620.02 Fix SBP and SYSTEMSTATUS 17 Atts

Fix SBP atts and add some new ones. Fix LMBLOCKSIZE etc

Feb 2021 620.01 Add many SECOPS since 5.0

Until this change the OPAL attributes have not been updated to reflect the changes in SECOPT since 5.0

Mar 2020 610.01 Update for MCP 61

Update for MCP 61

Mar 2020 600.02 Add new MYSELF(COUNTRY)

MYSELF(COUNTRY) Returns the country identifier associated with the Supervisor or Flex task, which is normally the same as SYSOPS COUNTRY.

Mar 2019 600.01 Update release level for MCP 60

Update for MCP 60.

Mar 2019 590.05 New MCP19 attribute JOBSOURCENAME

A new attribute JOBSOURCENAME has been added to the LOGBOJ,LOGEOJ and EI contexts.

Apr 2017 590.04 Better semantics for ISDIR and ISFLAT

The semantcs for the ISDIR and ISFLAT attributes have been improved.

Apr 2017 590.03 Fix to some semantics

The semantics for the TapeDB attribute TAPENAMESERIALS now describes the optional string parameter.

PD attributes related to CODEFILES and now flagged as being invalid for :Flat searches.

Mar 2017 590.02 Add support for VSS3 disks



Dec 2016 590.01 Update for mcp59

Update for MCP 59

May 2016 580.10 Better semanics for d1memory and d2memory

The semantics for the LOGEOJ attributes D1Memory and D2Memory have been improved.

Jan 2016 580.09 New Mnemonic LEVELETA for COMPILERTARGET

A new mnemonic, LEVELETA, has been added to the system attribute, COMPILERTARGET

Jul 2015 580.08 Update MX Status Atts


Jun 2015 580.07 FIx attributes for systemstatus changes



Mar 2015 580.06 Add more attributes to the EI context

This change add more attributes to the EI context. See TT HELP =:EI to see ahe attributes now available.

Jan 2015 580.05 Fix TimeOfDay semantics

The sematics for the TimeOfDay attribute incorrectly specified that an integer value was returned. In fact a real value is returned.

Ex. Try

/ (Timeofday 5.3)

Dec 2014 580.04 Add new system attribute PROCSWITCHES


Dec 2014 580.03 Add new Target attribute to LOGBOJ,LOGEOJ,

On MCP 58 and later the Target attribute is available in LOGBOJ,LOGEOJ, EI and MX contexts

Dec 2014 580.02 Add new attributes to the User context

Adds new USER context attributes.

Nov 2014 580.01 Update for MCP 58

Update for MCP 58

Jun 2014 570.04 CORS Attributes

Add the CORS headers as attributes in the HTTP context.

Apr 2014 570.03 Add PER attribute SCRATCHPOOL

The scratchpool of a mounted tape could be interrogated using the FORMID attribute. This change adds SCRATCHPOOL as a synonym to make things clearer.

Dec 2013 570.02 Update for MCP 57

Update MAX MCP supported.


The DUCAPACITY attribute was setting SUBCLASS=1 which caused a fault in GETSTATUS because bad data was provided as the chunk size. See Contact #27843871 and PLE #18152762.

Nov 2013 560.13 SSE


Oct 2013 560.12 Fixes the DATABASE attribute DBJOBNO

From MCP 55 DBJOBNO was deimplemented in the MCP. DBJOBNO is now a synonym for DBMIXNO

When the DATABASE context was introduced in 1995 the attributes RESULT and RESULTTEXT were not fully implemented causing a 'not yet implemented' fault when they were used. RESULTTEXT has been deleted and RESULT is now defined as follows.

Semantics : Result (positive values indicate failure).  Refer to
OPENERROR subcategories in the Enterprise Database Server
Application Programming Guide.

Two new DATABASE attributes have been added.


Semantics : Returns the mix number of the Actor.


Semantics : Returns the stack number of the Actor.

Sep 2013 560.11 Add new option to GetScratch

Parameters : 1. STRING
3. Optional mnemonic values : INSILO(1) LOW(2)
Semantics : Returns the first eligible, unassigned scratch tape
serialno belonging to the SCRATCH subset which matches
parameter 1 (density) and parameter 2 (SCRATCH POOL).  Valid
values for density can be found via HELP ATT DENSITYID
Either or both parameters may be empty strings.
The third optional parameter determines if the tape is required
to be in a Unisys or DSI silo and the order in which scratch
tapes are returned.
OLD determines that the oldest(by creation date) tape is
LOW determines that the least used tape is returned.  If the
third parameter is omitted the least recently reported tape is
the search to tape in a Silo.

Added the GetScratch option to the USE attribute.

Changed the semantics of MAXACTUALSTACKS: ---- HELP ATTRIBUTES ---- MAXACTUALSTACKS (SYSTEM) Returns INTEGER Semantics : Returns the maximum number of 'real' stacks that

can be allocated on the system without a Halt/Load.  This
figure reflects the value to which MAXSTACKNO may be
increased, using the MAX ODT command, subtracting the
number of stacks reserved for MCP use.

Sep 2013 560.10 WebSockets

Update WebSocket Protocol to RFC 6455.

Aug 2013 560.09 Better attributes to monitor WFL function

New and revised WFL attributes described in detail in Supervisor note 560.14

Aug 2013 560.08 PROGRAMSNR

Add PROGRAMSNR to DBACCESS Context. See PLE 18955083.

Jun 2013 560.07 DBACCESS

Add DBACCESS context to access Major Type 1, Minor Type 35 Database Access log entries. See Chapter 22, DMSII Utilities Manual for information on this capability.

May 2013 560.06 Add OPALID att to DEFINE context

The new OPALID attribute in the Define context returns the Type and Name separated by a space.

Apr 2013 560.05 DTDHTML5

Add HTML5 as a parameter for the DTD(HTML) attribute function.

Apr 2013 560.04 ScreenSize

The SCREENSIZE attribute returns a hint about the Screen Size from a guess at the device type using the USER-AGENT Header. It returns a Mnemonic result from the list WATCH, PHONE, TABLET, LAPTOP, DESKTOP and WALL.

Jan 2013 560.03 HTTP LOG

Add INBYTES, INCOUNT and COMPRESSIONRATIO to HTTP LOG Context to provide information about HTTP Response Compression.

Jan 2013 560.02 Chrome

Add CHROME(6) mnemonic to BROWSERID.

Jan 2013 560.01 MEGABYTES

Add MEGABYTES and GIGABYTES attribute for OBI.

Nov 2012 550.10 UDUser

Clarify DEFINED for user dictionary and USERDATA for USER node.

Nov 2012 550.09 SMTP

Add SMTP attribute definitions.



Sep 2012 550.07 Security SOURCENAME


Jul 2012 550.06 MHSACCESS

Add MHSACCESS to USER Context.

Jul 2012 550.05 DO

Update the DO (Diagnostic Options) Mnemonics. They include RST which is used in the DO +|- RST command to control the RESIZE TRACE feature in the MCP.

Jun 2012 550.04 Add USER attribute PWMIGRATION

New USER context attribute PWMIGRATION

Apr 2012 550.03 New WHEN context attribute CONTEXT

The attribute CONTEXT has been added to the WHEN context.

Apr 2012 550.02 Add new link attributes to WHEN context

New WHEN context attributes SITUATION and ACTIVITY.

Apr 2012 550.01 Update supported MCPs for 55

MCP 14 (55) now supported. (Support for 48 and 49 removed)

Feb 2012 540.51 Fix the Operator context att Sourceno

Adds a new Operator attribute SSSOurceStation.

Dec 2011 540.50 More Attributes

Attributes have been added to reflect recent MCPs.

PD and SYSTEM PD New Attributes:

New Mnemonic
Marked "To Be Deimplemented"
TIMESTAMPDAY (marked for deimplementation since 4.0, use TSDAY)
MX New Attributes
Attributes Optimized
LOGEOJ New Attributes
Oct 2011 540.49 DFH

Move DFHIMAGE and DFHBINARY onto the GETSTATUS RowAddressWords Mask Bit.

Sep 2011 540.48 Add ZIPPED attribute to DEFINE context

Several new attributes have been added to the DEFINE context; these are COMPRESSED (if the OPAL script source has been compressed in the SCHEDULE file) and COMPRESSLENGTH (the length of the compressed source in bytes).

Sep 2011 540.47 Metalog attributes

The LOGNO, CURRENBTLOG and RECORDNO attributes have been added to the METALOG context allowing an individual log entry to be identified by its record number in a particular log file.

Aug 2011 540.46 Add mnemonics to LOGTYPE

Add mnemonics for the Log attribute LOGTYPE.

Jul 2011 540.45 Implement VALIDMAIL attribute function

A new attribute, VALIDEMAIL, is available to SUPERVISOR allowing the caller to validate an email address passed in as a parameter. VALIDEMAIL is implemented using an entrypoint in the MAILLIB library. An address without a hostname (i.e. no '@' part) is accepted and VALIDEMAIL will automatically use the default domain set from MAILLIB. Please see HELP ATTR VALIDEMAIL for more information.

Jul 2011 540.44 Add SCHED mnemonic to licencedays

Delete the mnemonic LOGCONTEXT and add the Mnemonic ADVSCHED (for advanced scheduling) to the LICENCEDAYS attribute.

Jul 2011 540.43 Clean up LABEL and EIOSTATUS returned attr

This change supports the cleanup of the values returned by the LABEL and EIOSTATUS attributes in SUPERVISOR's PER context, described in OPAL DNote 540.72.

Jul 2011 540.42 Custom Attinfo

Update the PDSUBKINDLIST semantics.

Jun 2011 540.41 Implement FAMILYTIMESECONDS/missing METALO

The FAMILYTIMESECONDS attribute has been added to the PER context; this returns the time-of-day in seconds that the base pack of a disk family or CD-ROM was created.

The PRODUCT attribute in the METALOG context now has additional values:


Jun 2011 540.40 Support for CUSTOM attributes in AFTER

The following attributes have been implemented in the AFTER context to support Advanced Scheduling:


These attributes allow information to be returned about the ON CUSTOM ON HOLIDAY and EXCEPT HOLIDAYS modifiers for the AFTER command as described in SUPERVISOR DNote 541.38.

New attributes have also been added to the SYSTEM context allowing all valid SUPERVISOR-assigned workdays, holidays and custom days to be returned as individual list of julian dates delimited by commas. The attributes are:

HOLIDAYLIST         e.g.    "123,2011001,2011002,2012153"

Note that dates specified by the HOLIDAYS command may not have been assigned with a year: in such cases, HOLIDAYLIST will return the julian day offset only for the current year as can be seen by the value 123 instead of 2011123.

May 2011 540.39 Fix obsolete DBJOBNUMBER on MCP 54.1

On MCP 54.1, the attributes DBJOBNUMBER, DBMNIXNUMBER and DBSTACKNO in the DATABASE context always returned zero. These attributes were retrieving information from a now invalid serial word in the SUMLOG entry. Any OPAL scripts using these attributes must be recompiled on MCP 54.1 using a version of SUPERVISOR with this change.

Similarly, the ACTOR class of attributes (such as ACTOR_JOBNO) in the FILEOPEN context now returns correct values for job and mix numbers though current attributes still work on MCP 54.1.

Apr 2011 540.38 Implement NEXTACTIVITYDAT attribute

This changes documents the addition of the NEXTACTIVITYDAY attribute to the AFTER context. This attribute returns the date of the next scheduled occurrence of the selected AF activity allowing for holiday exceptions etc.

Apr 2011 540.37 Deimplement DLIPFILES

The DLIPFILES attribute has been deimplemented as it has not been available since MCP 48.1.

Apr 2011 540.36 Fix for some Prints attributes

In the Prints context the Jobnumber attribute would return Mixnumber and the Mixnumber attribute JobNumber.

Apr 2011 540.35 Add FLEX subcontext for METALOG

The METALOG context has been extended to include a new logging subcontext called FLEX.

Feb 2011 540.34 XHRLink

Add CHUNKED and LOCATION attributes for HTTP.

Feb 2011 540.33 Add WFLS and WFLACTIVE to the WHEN context

Several new attributes for SUPERVISOR's WHEN context allowing information to be returned about the current status of all jobs invoked by the WFL function for any WHEN slot. The attributes are:

WFLS             Number of active WFL jobs
WFLSACTIVE       Job number list of active WFL jobs
WFLIDS           Identity list of active WFL jobs (returns '*' for
jobs with no identity)

Jan 2011 540.32 JOBQUEUE Actions


Jan 2011 540.31 StrAtt

Add Custom Context attribute template GETSTRINGATT.

Jan 2011 540.30 Add INCLUDE and ATTACH file name support

New attributes have been added for the MAIL context:


These return information about the MCP files that have been attached or included in a MAILLIB email request.

Jan 2011 540.29 Ext


Dec 2010 540.28 New attributes in AFTER context

Adds ONTRIGGER,TRIGGER and WHERE attributes.

Nov 2010 540.27 New MAIL event context for SUPERVISOR

This change supports the new MAILLIB context within SUPERVISOR allowing the capture of MAILLIB email transactions, errors and events by WHENs that use the MAIL context. For more information, please refer to SUPERVISOR DNote 540.94.

Nov 2010 540.26 Add LOGBINARY/DFHBINARY attributes

The LOGBINARY and DFHBINARY attributes have been added to the LOG and PD contexts respectively. Please refer to OPAL DNote 540.52 for more information about their use.

Oct 2010 540.25 No ASAP subcontext for METALOG

The ASAP subcontext has been removed from the METALOG context.

Sep 2010 540.24 Implement NOTTLOGGING option

A new SO option, NOTTLOGGING (option 28), has been added. Please see SUPERVISOR DNote 540.81 for more information.

Sep 2010 540.23 XHR



Aug 2010 540.22 Add SUBKINDLIST PD attribute

The SUBKINDLIST attribute has been added to the PD context for FLEX and SUPERVISOR. See HELP ATTR SUBKINDLIST for more information.

Jul 2010 540.21 PD Actions

Remove unimplemented PD Actions.

Jul 2010 540.20 FileHandle

Add the FILEHANDLE attribute to the JOB Context. FILEHANDLE for a WFLOPEN, WFLIN, WFLOUT or WFLCLOSE Job Message returns a Handle for the Station with LSN, which is assigned to the File identified by the FRSN. It is used with OPAL Transmit function to write to a Remote File.

The syntax for the OPAL Transmit Function is now,


Jul 2010 540.19 Implement MYSELF(PROGRESS)

A new MYSELF variant, PROGRESS, is now available. This attribute is available for use by the ON PROGRESS statement in the OPAL compiler and indicates the percentage progress of am Opal MZIP or GZIP operation. Please see OPAL DNote 540.37 for more details.

Jul 2010 540.18 Add ONKOADSCHED attribute to AFTER context

The AFTER context attribute ONLOADSCHED returns true for entries scheduled with AFTER LOAD.

Jun 2010 540.17 Transmit

Add LSN and FRSN to Job.

Jun 2010 540.16 Remote

Add Remote JobMsgTypes.

Jun 2010 540.15 Add the HOLONLY attibute to the after context

The HolOnly attribute is true if an entry was scheduled using ON HOLIDAYS

Jun 2010 540.14 Add MYSELF(TRANSNO) and NICKNAMES

This change adds the NICKNAMES attribute to the SYSTEM ML context and MYSELF(TRANSNO) returns the last MAILLIB transaction number for the specified SUPERVISOR WHEN slot.

May 2010 540.13 UnZip Action

Add TO_UNZIP to PD Context Actions.

May 2010 540.12 Add CALLDEPTH Mnemonic to MYSELF attribute

MYSELF(CALLDEPTH) returns the current depth of call DOs

Ex. ODTS C2 performs CALL DO "C1" ODTS C1 performs CALL DO "CL" ODTS CL performs #L:=Myself(CallDepth) #L with have the value 2

May 2010 540.11 OBIAccessCode

Add the HTTP ACCESSCODE session attribute.

May 2010 540.10 To_Extract

Added the TO_EXTRACT Action for the PD Context.

May 2010 540.09 Add ZIPLASTERROR boolean

A new boolean attribute called MZIPLASTERROR,a synonym for TTLASTERROR, is available to checks the results of ZIP, UNZIP, ZIPFILE and UNZIPFILE function/method calls.

Apr 2010 540.08 Body


Apr 2010 540.07 ReadBytes

Add RANGE and ACCEPT-RANGES HTTP Header Attributes.

Apr 2010 540.06 Tailor the Myself attribute to Flex and Su

The MYSELF attribute will no longer list inappropriate mnemonics in the Help Att command. The Myself and WHENID attributes are now synonyms, both now return string and integer data. The INPUTPARAM and COMMAND attributes have been added to the WHEN


Mar 2010 540.05 Extend AGE and correct SECCLASS

The Age attribute now takes an optional mnemonic parameter INDAYS the default if no parameter is passed and INSECONDS. The time between the current time and the timestamp time is calculated and returned in units of whole days or seconds. If the timestamp of a file was 1 second before midnight yesterday and Age was interrogated at 1 second after midnight then it would return 0 days or 2 seconds.

The SECCLASS attribute returned the wrong mnemonics. S1 was returned for S0, S2 for S1 and Minimal for S2

Feb 2010 540.04 Fix CPM attribute

The CPM attribute, when passed a processor number, returns ON or OFF if that processor is in-use by the MCP. However, CPM would only handle a maximum of 8 CPUs and returned incorrect values because of an indexing issue. These problems are now resolved.

Also, the EVENTTYPE attribute in the WHEN context now has improved explanatory semantics.

Feb 2010 540.03 New flex attribute AGE

The new Flex attribute Age returns the the number of days since the date of the file TIMESTAMP.

Jan 2010 540.02 Add new mnemonic INPUTPARAM to WHENID

New Supervisor Attributes WHENID(INPUTPARAM) returns the text of any parameter passed to this Slot. EX. TT DO MIX_ODTS 1234,5678 WHENID (INPUTPARAM) would return '1234,5678'


MYSELF(FIRST) Returns the value of the TERM FIRST setting

New Flex Attribute

INPUTPARAM Returns the text of the most recent command.

Ex REP HEAD INPUTPARAM Followed by FILES =BoB= ON DEV:FL Would return FILES =BoB= ON DEV:FL followed by the list of files

Nov 2009 540.01 Update Max MCP version to 54

Does what it says in the heading.

Sep 2009 530.53 Add PDF to MIMETYPE

Add PDF to MIMETYPE function.

Sep 2009 530.52 TAPEDB new subtype and LOGICALREEL attributes

Several new TAPEDB attributes, LOGICALREEL and LOGICALLIST, have been implemented. Their usage is described in more detail in TAPELIBUPDATER DNote 530.12.

Aug 2009 530.51 Add new metering attributes in posix time

Added new attributes METERPRIORTIME,METERCURRENTTIME,METERMONTHTIME, METERECENTTIME returning the same data as their ...TS equivalents but expressed in seconds since 1/1/1970.

The time can be extracted from these attributes using an expression like METERPRIORTIME MOD (24*3600). The Julian date with an expression like NEWDATE(1970001,METERPRIORTIME DIV(24*3600))


Aug 2009 530.50 Add timezone attributes

New Attributes: TZABBREVIATION (SYSTEM) Returns STRING in the form of an Identifier

TIMEZONE is a synonym for this Attribute 
Semantics : Time zone abbreviation.

TZNAME (SYSTEM) Returns STRING in the form of an Identifier Semantics : Full time zone name.

TZNUMBER (SYSTEM) Returns INTEGER Semantics : The predefined time zone number or zero.

TZOFFSETDIRECTION (SYSTEM) Returns INTEGER Semantics : Indicates if the time zone offset is added to or subtracted from the universal time to get local time. 0 indicates no time zone, 1 indicates add the offset and 2 indicates subtract the offset.

TZOFFSETHOURS (SYSTEM) Returns INTEGER Semantics : Hours offset (0 through 24).

TZOFFSETMINUTES (SYSTEM) Returns INTEGER Semantics : Minutes offset (0 through 59).

TZOFFSETTIME (SYSTEM) Returns INTEGER Semantics : Total offset time in minutes as a positive or negative integer.

Jul 2009 530.49 Additional PINGRESULT mnemonics

PINGSECURITYERROR and PINGCOMMANDERROR mnemonics have been added to the PINGRESULT attribute.

Jun 2009 530.48 New Volume attributes


Jun 2009 530.47 Add LOGNAME and LOGSUBSTRING attributes

Two new attributes, LOGNAME and LOGSUBSTRING, have been added to the LOG context. These attributes allow both standard form and substandard form names to be extracted from a LOG record where a suitable OPAL context does not exist. PLease refer to OPAL DNote 530.60 for further information.

May 2009 530.46 Support VIA PD attribute mechanisms

A new reference attribute called PDKEY is now available and permits retrieval of file information via the PD context from any OPAL script. Please refer to SUPERVISOR DNote 531.45 for more information.

SERIALNO attributes in relevant contexts have been changed to LINK to the TAPEDB context. A new attribute group, SERIALVL, allows linkage to the VL context.

Two new attributes, SLOTMEMORY and VARIABLES, have been added to the WHEN context.

Apr 2009 530.45 Implement STATIONS context

This change supports a new SUPERVISOR context called STATIONS. The STATIONS context allows access to all active and inactive MCP datacom station information similar to that returned by the SYSTEM/DCSTATUS utility. These MCP datacom tables include both pseudo and physical stations and, where a station is in-use by a MCS, additional session information is provided.

Please refer to SUPERVISOR DNote 531.40 for more information; see HELP ATTR =:STATIONS for a list of available attributes.

Mar 2009 530.44 Implement SESSIONS context

This change supports another new SUPERVISOR context called SESSIONS. The SESSIONS context allows access to information about all MCP job and MCS sessions currently active in the system. This feature is made possible due to the new SESSIONS ODT command now available in MCP 53.1 and later versions of 52.1

Please refer to SUPERVISOR DNote 531.35 for additional information; see HELP ATTR =:SESSIONS for a list of available attributes.

Mar 2009 530.43 Make NETWORKFILE and NETWORKLIBRARY link attributes

The NETWORKFILE and NETWORKLIBRARY attributes now provide links to the PD and SL contexts respectively.

Mar 2009 530.42 Implement SHOWOPEN context

This change supports a new SUPERVISOR context called SHOWOPEN. The SHOWOPEN context allow the retrieval of information about all open, in-use files on a specified disk family and includes both temporary and permanent files. If the family is the DL JOBS family, then Job File information will be returned. Please refer to SUPERVISOR DNote 531.33 for more information and refer to HELP ATTR =:SHOWOPEN for a list of available attributes.

Mar 2009 530.41 Action

Investigation of ACTION Attribute.

Mar 2009 530.40 Better descriptions for Julian date attribute

Julian dates have two formats in Opal. The OLD YYDDD (now YYYDDD) and for newer attributes YYYYDDD. The old form of Julian date returns the year - 1900. So 2009 is returned as 109. Many old julian attribute names end in DAY and have an equivalent attribute returning a 4 digit year ending in TSDAY. The format is now described in the header line of HELP ATT.


ACCESSDAY (PD) Returns INTEGER as Julian Day -1900 YYYDDD

Feb 2009 530.39 LicenseKeyV Attribute

LMLICENSEKEYV gives the Key Status of a file on a Unisys conditioned tape or CD. Only valid for :FAST on conditioned Lib/Maint MT/CD media.

Feb 2009 530.38 Add New Mnemonics For SEARCHTYPE(PD)

Add new SEARCHTYPE mnemonics in PD context for FILE <dir> <unit>:FAST

Make TAPEFEET (8@#12[FN]) instead of an attribute function, so it now no longer needs compiler support for a multi-bit mask.

Move GSHEADERSIZE Defines in FlexForm to INCLUDE/META.

Jan 2009 530.37 New METALOG context

A new SUPERVISOR context, METALOG, has been implemented. This context allows retrieval of log entries from Metalogic's internal log files maintained by SUPERVISOR, MAILLIB and TRIM. Unlike SUMLOG-based scripts, METALOG Opals can only be used with the EVAL command as no event support is available. Please refer to SUPERVISOR DNote 531.21 for more information and HELP ATTR =:METALOG will show the small subset of supported attributes.

Jan 2009 530.36 More DEFINE attributes

Some new attributes for the DEFINE context have been added to provide additional information concerning the method used to compile an individual DEFINE. These attributes include REFERENCE, REMOTESOURCE, SOURCEKIND and SOURCEHOSTNAME.

Jan 2009 530.35 Support for SL context

This changes supports a new SUPERVISOR context called SL. The SL context allow the retrieval of information for all MCP SL functions from OPAL scripts using EVAL. Please refer to SUPERVISOR Dnote 531.20 for more information and refer to HELP ATTR =:SL for a list of attributes currently available.

Internal change: the current mechanism for attribute mnemonic handling has been changed because array limits had been exceeded (GSMNEMINFO). There are no issues with existing compiled code.

Dec 2008 530.34 Add attributes to WHEN context


Dec 2008 530.33 JDAY

Add <JDAY> to indicate Julian Date, and <TSTIME> to indicate a TimeStamp time.

Dec 2008 530.32 Implement DEFINE context

A new SUPERVISOR context called DEFINE has been implemented. This context allows Opal scripts to interrogate SUPERVISOR's OPAL program dictionary with the EVAL command and return useful information for any DEFINE in that dictionary. Please refer to SUPERVISOR DNote 531.15 for more information.

Nov 2008 530.31 Add SMTPFAMILY to SYSTEM MAIL attribute

The attribute SMTPFAMILY has been added to the SYSTEM MAIL subset used to return information about the family used by MAILLIB to hold *SMTP files. The MAIL attribute NICKNAMES is now also available.

Nov 2008 530.30 Add PRINTABLE Directory Att

PRINTABLE returns whether the file can be used in a WFL PRINT statement

Nov 2008 530.29 Add TTSORTERR mnemonic to TTLASTERROR

The mnemonic TTSORTCANCEL has been added to the TTLASTERROR attribute to capture TT function EVALs that use an invalid SORT clause.

Oct 2008 530.28 Add the lmnemonic 'logging' to the SO attr

The Mnemonic LOGGING (47) is now valid with the SO attribute.

Oct 2008 530.27 Implement GETFARMSN attribute

This change supports a new OPAL attribute called GETDISKFARMSERIAL available only to FLEX. Please refer to OPAL DNote 530.30 for more information.

Sep 2008 530.26 Download Proxy

The UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD attributes are used to request a file transfer in a Scripting Environment. In OPAL they return the same value as TITLE.

Sep 2008 530.25 Proxy

The CONTENT, HEADER and ROWMAP attributes represent PD context information available in a a Scripting Environment. In OPAL they return the same value as TITLE.

The FI attribute represents MIX context information in a Scripting environment. In OPAL it returns the same value as MIXNUMBER.

Aug 2008 530.24 Implement PING attributes

A small subset of attributes is available supporting the Opal PING function described by Opal DNote 530.25. These attributes return information about the PING itself and its success or failure.

Jul 2008 530.23 Fix PDGUARDED attribute

Use of the PDGUARDED attribute gave an error: FLEXLIB:RECOMPILE NEEDED (INVALID ATTRIBUTE) in REPORT. This problem has been corrected.

Jul 2008 530.22 Implement SYSTEM MAIL attribute subset

A subset of attributes called SYSTEM MAIL is now available; these attributes provide run-time and configuration information for the Metalogic MAILLIB library. Only available to SUPERVISOR, information may be obtained by the command:


Jun 2008 530.21 Support for DFHIMAGE PD attributes

A new attribute called DFHIMAGE has been implemented for both FLEX and SUPERVISOR (PD context). DFHIMAGE returns an image of the Disk File Header of the selected file. By default, this is returned in JavaScript array format with each header word in hexadecimal format delimited by commas. For example:


The first entity in the array indicates the size of the header in words.

Jun 2008 530.20 Add Depth as MYSELF parameter

Two new parameters have been added to the Myself attribute. DEPTH - Call depth where environment data is saved. Ex Call DO of a MSG ODTS passing a parameter increments this depth. MAXDEPTH - The limit for DEPTH. If Depth exceeds this limit an ODTS will be aborted.

Jun 2008 530.19 Change DUCHECKERBOARD semantics

The semantics for the DUCHEKRBOARD attribute have been updated to show that the Fixed, Inuse and Temp flags now return integer values of 1 or 0 instead of the literals 'true' and 'false'.

Jun 2008 530.18 Extend DUCHECKERBOARD mappings

The DUCHECKERBOARD attribute now includes a FiLEKIND mnemonic for each file area that is mapped and appears after the file title. For example, the CSV variant would appear as:

[Start sector,Sector count,Title,Filekind,Fixed,InUse,Temp]


Similarly, the web JS format includes the FILEKIND as a quoted string.

May 2008 530.17 Support for DUCHECKERBOARD

A new OPAL attribute called DUCHECKERBOARD is now available which can provide a detailed file analysis of a specified sector range on a selected disk family index. Please see SUPERVISOR DNote 530.54 for more information and HELP ATTR DUCHECKERBOARD.

May 2008 530.16 Correct TTLASTERROR and semantics improvem

It is now possible for OPAL attribute semantics to show double-quotes in their descriptions instead of the single version, allowing attribute usage to be correctly described.

Semantics for the TTLASTERROR attribute have been corrected.

May 2008 530.15 Resolve internal VDBS attribute collisions

Various attributes belonging to the Supervisor VDBS context have been modified due to recent changes documented on the Unisys support web site regarding the DMINQ function (from the DMALGOL Programming Reference manual). A small attribute set whose names start with 'AVERAGE' have now been replaced by 'SUM' to reflect the change in meaning of the values returned and have had their semantics updated.

Further, several VDBS attributes such as TOTALPRIEXTENDWAITTIME and NUMPREVIOWAITS will now return corrected values and will not appear as synonyms for other attributes when interrogated with the HELP command. Several new VDBS attributes - TOTALPRIAUDIIOS, SUMPREVIOBUFFERS and TOTALSECAUDITIOS - are now available on DMSII 52.1.

Apr 2008 530.14 Add DAY attribute to the AFTER context

The DAY attribute has been added to the AFTER context; this is a subset of the DAYTYPE attribute but with the TODAYONLY mnemonic absent. This means that DAY will return, if processing a record from today's schedule, the current day of the week instead a TODAY value.

Mar 2008 530.13 Remove MINUTE attribute collision

The SUPERVISOR attribute MINUTE in the AFTER context has been renamed to AFMINUTE to avoid conflict with the SYSTEM attribute of the same name.

Mar 2008 530.12 Add ORDINALWEEKDAY and DAYMASK attributes

The ORDINALWEEKDAY attribute has been added to the AFTER context - this attribute returns TRUE if the specified activity was assigned with an 'ON nTH <WeekDay>' modifier such as 'ON 1ST FRIDAY' or 'ON 5th SUNDAY'. To complement the MONTHMASK and WEEKMASK attributes, DAYMASK has been implemented to represent activities that have been assigned with modifiers such as 'ON MONDAY','ON 1st TUESDAY-THURSDAY'.

Mar 2008 530.11 Update for AFTER attributes

This change supports new mnemonics for the POSTSCRIPTS attribute in the AFTER context as described in SUPERVISOR DNote 530.26 . New AFTER attributes, JOBNUMBER and WITHIN, have also been added.

Feb 2008 530.10 Update SO attribute mnemonic parameters

The list of parameter mnemonics that may be used with the SO attribute has been updated to match that available to SUPERVISOR's SO command.

Feb 2008 530.09 TADS and PDTADS

TADS/PDTADS atts are valid for code files and return true if $TADS was set during their compile. TADS is not valid in :FLAT searches.

DOLLARVERSION in the PD Context is a string containing the $VERSION info.

The FLEX LF and LF:ATT reports now show if $TADS is set (before the $VERSION information.) They now use the DOLLARVERSION and PDSEG0VERSION attributes respectively.

Feb 2008 530.08 Implement SUPERVISOR AFTER context

A new SUPERVISOR context called AFTER has been implemented. This allows the user to interrogate the SUPERVISOR AFTER schedule using OPAL programs that are processed with the EVAL command. Please see SUPERVISOR DNote 530.22 for more information.

Feb 2008 530.07 Fix WHEN chargecode and add LSN

The CHARGECODE attribute in the WHEN context will now return a correct value instead of a corrupted string. The LSN attribute has been added to this context.

Feb 2008 530.06 Additional WHEN context attributes

The attribute TIMELASTEVAL has been added to the WHEN context and a parameter of the same name is now available to the MYSELF attribute. TIMELASTEVAL is used to denote the elapsed time since an event-driven WHEN was triggered or, if the EVAL count is zero, this is the time the WHEN was started.

Jan 2008 530.05 Implement WHEN context

This change supports the new WHEN context for SUPERVISOR; please see SUPERVISOR DNote 530.13 for more information.

Jan 2008 530.04 Prints VIA

Add Links to some PRINTS attributes.

Jan 2008 530.03 HyperLink

The DTD, NAMESPACE and MIMETYPE attributes which were only valid in the HTTP Context, are now SYSTEM attributes and so valid in all Contexts.

Dec 2007 530.02 Add DoStart and EvalStart to Myself attributes

A Supervisor Eval will now accept a range for the Evals and Entries.

Myself(DoStart) returns the start of the range for Entries. Myself(EvalStart) returns the start of the range of Evals. Myself(DOSkipped) returns the number of entries skipped due to the DoStart limit. Myself(EvalSkipped) returns the number of evals skipped due to the EvalStart limit.

Dec 2007 530.01 Qualified for MCP5.3

Opal attributes are now qualified on MCP 5.3