
◆ TL Command from a Supervisor Window

24th May 2007

Since Version 520.30 of Supervisor, commands entered from as Supervisor window are assumed to be Supervisor commands if the command could be both a Supervisor command and an ODT command.

This means that a TL command entered from a Supervisor Window is now treated as a Supervisor TL command. An MCP TL will still be preformed but some additional and possibly unwanted action may be taken.

If the 'FAMILY FOR LOGS' as specified in the USE command does not match the family specified for DL LOG then any files in the SUMLOG directory on the DL LOG family will be moved (i.e. Copied and Removed) to the 'FAMILY FOR LOGS'. If there is a Job file specified for 'JOB After TL' ,as shown by the USE command, then that job will be started for each Sumlog file which is moved.

If you do not usually use the Supervisor TL to transfer logs then this can result in a flood of jobs being started.

If you do not use the Supervisor TL to release logs then we strongly recommend the following actions. Set the FAMILY FOR LOGS to be the same as DL LOG. (USE FAMILY <DL LOG family> FOR LOGS) Delete the 'JOB AFTER TL' (USE JOB NONE AFTER TL)

If the above actions are taken then a TL from a Supervisor window becomes the same as an MCP TL.

Supervisor Dnote 520.30

Previously when entering commands from a Supervisor window the TT prefix was required for some commands but not all. DEFINE did not need TT but DO did.

Now all Supervisor commands can be entered without a TT prefix. For commands which conflict with MCP commands the ODT prefix can be used. So to use the MCP DO (Diagnostic Option) command use ODT DO.

The HELP command list all of Supervisor's top level commands. Any command which conflicts with an MCP command has an exclamation mark (!) in front of it.

MCP commands which now require an ODT prefix are: DO;HO;HS;OK(*);PR(*);QUIT(*);REMOTESPO;RESTRICT;SV(SAVE);SH(SHOW);SS; TL. Commands marked (*) do not require a prefix of ODT if preceding a mix number.

Ex. 1234Pr 50 or ODT PR 1234 50

Any MCP command can be prefixed by ODT from a Supervisor window.

Since Version 520.30 of Supervisor, commands entered from as Supervisor window are assumed to be Supervisor commands if the command could be both a Supervisor command and an ODT command.

This means that a TL command entered from a Supervisor Window is now treated as a Supervisor TL command. An MCP TL will still be preformed but some additional and possibly unwanted action may be taken.

If the 'FAMILY FOR LOGS' as specified in the USE command does not match the family specified for DL LOG then any files in the SUMLOG directory on the DL LOG family will be moved (i.e. Copied and Removed) to the 'FAMILY FOR LOGS'. If there is a Job file specified for 'JOB After TL' ,as shown by the USE command, then that job will be started for each Sumlog file which is moved.

If you do not usually use the Supervisor TL to transfer logs then this can result in a flood of jobs being started.

If you do not use the Supervisor TL to release logs then we strongly recommend the following actions. Set the FAMILY FOR LOGS to be the same as DL LOG. (USE FAMILY <DL LOG family> FOR LOGS) Delete the 'JOB AFTER TL' (USE JOB NONE AFTER TL)

If the above actions are taken then a TL from a Supervisor window becomes the same as an MCP TL.

Supervisor Dnote 520.30

Previously when entering commands from a Supervisor window the TT prefix was required for some commands but not all. DEFINE did not need TT but DO did.

Now all Supervisor commands can be entered without a TT prefix. For commands which conflict with MCP commands the ODT prefix can be used. So to use the MCP DO (Diagnostic Option) command use ODT DO.

The HELP command list all of Supervisor's top level commands. Any command which conflicts with an MCP command has an exclamation mark (!) in front of it.

MCP commands which now require an ODT prefix are: DO;HO;HS;OK(*);PR(*);QUIT(*);REMOTESPO;RESTRICT;SV(SAVE);SH(SHOW);SS; TL. Commands marked (*) do not require a prefix of ODT if preceding a mix number.

Ex. 1234Pr 50 or ODT PR 1234 50

Any MCP command can be prefixed by ODT from a Supervisor window.